How to block recruiters spamming you in Gmail


For some reason, recruiters think they can take your email address, add it to their email database and spam you with irrelevant candidates. It an industry purely based on spray and pray. And it is damn annoying. 

Recently I had a recruiter called Liam decided to email me about any candidate he had that he thought had something to do with tech. It was clear he got my email address and had done zero research about my business and thought he would add value by spamming me about his candidates. 

Sadly, for this little prick, he didn't factor in that we run Gmail. Gmail makes it easy for you to block a nuisance sender - such as Liam, permanently. 

Here is how you block a sender in Gmail:

  • Open the email

  • Select the Gmail overflow menu

  • Select Block Sender

Job done! Now, that PITA won't be able to contact you again! If you ever need to unblock you can do that in Gmail’s settings area.