Founder's Log And IT Support Statistics For December 2020

Here are the IT Assistance and Support statistics for Kimbley IT for the final month of 2020.

During December, we where contact 68 times by end-users - a decrease from November. Out of these 68 contacts, 56 people needed assistance (where someone wants to know or get shown how to do something better). The remaining 12 needed support (where something is not working as it should).

As usual, we were pretty quick in dealing with requests as they came in with most people (69.1%) back to work within 5 minutes. Nineteen requests took less than 30 mins to sort out, and one took less than an hour with one other taking more than an hour.

89.7% of users opted to contact us through instant messaging, which is the quickest method to contact us and get back to work. Oddly five end-users opted for a slow response and emailed their request, and two silly billies used the phone which is the slowest of all.

Due to Christmas most of the assistance request where requests to bypass the web filtering service, as end-users needed to access websites to buy Christmas presents.