The Founder's Log: June 2021 Update

Here is the Kimbley IT assistance and support statistic for June 2021.

Out of the 72 times subscribers contacted us, we worked out that if the business they worked for offered regular training through Learning Sessions by Kimbley IT; 41.7% of people who got in touch would not have needed to, they would have known what to do.

So, out of the 72 people who got in contact, 61 needed assistance (where someone wants to know or get shown how to do something better). The remaining 11 had a support issue (where something is not working as it should).

Fifty-one subscribers were back to work in under 5 minutes, 18 took between 5 and 30 minutes to complete, with 2 taking over thirty minutes and one case to over an hour to resolve - because Mercedes Benz IT refused to assist with a problem with a device they supply.

97.2% of people contacted us through our instant message-based support - the quickest way to get a response. One person decided to email, and one other decided to private message a technician, which is risky because if they are away, no one else will see the message.