How to set up Google Voice so it doesn't ring when you're busy or away.

If you follow Kimbley IT closely, you will know that we are not fans of traditional phone calls. They interrupt workflows and spoil magic moments. When someone calls your phone (without scheduling the call in advance), it is akin to them walking over to your desk and shouting your name until you acknowledge them. 

Thankfully with Google Voice, you can set it up so that it follows your Google Calendar. So when you have an out-of-office scheduled, Google Voice will automatically mute itself by going into Do Not Disturb mode until the event ends.

How to set up Google Voice to follow your Calendar

On your computer, you need to do this:

  • Go to Google Voice at

  • Click the settings cog in the top right.

  • Scroll down to the Do Not Disturb section.

    • Toggle on Follow working hours

    • Toggle on Follow out of office

On the app, you need to do this:

  • Open the Google Voice app

  • Go to settings

  • Scroll down to the Do Not Disturb section.

  • Tap on Calendar

    • Toggle on Follow working hours

    • Toggle on Follow out of office

Bonus feature on Android:

On Android, under your Digitial Wellbeing settings on your phone, you can set your Do Not Disturb settings to follow your Google Calendar. So whenever there is an event in your Google Calendar, you're phone will go into silent mode—returning to normal mode once the event has ended!