How to move files and folders between Shared Drives

Shared Drives in Google Drive make it easy for you to store your files and control who has access to those files and what level of access they should have. 

You need the correct access permissions.

Sometimes you may need to move content from one Shared Drive to another but find that you're blocked from doing so. This blocking happens when the access level you currently have in the Shared Drive you are moving content from needs to be higher. You must have "Manager" level access to transfer files from the source Shared Drive to another Shared Drive.

If you need your access permissions upgraded so you can move content from one Shared Drive to another, you need to ask an existing Manager of the Shared Drives to up your permission level to Manager. While viewing the Shared Drive, click on the member list to see who is an existing Manager you can ask to upgrade your access level.

Moving files and folders between Shared Drives

Once you have the correct access levels, moving files and folders between Shared Drive is as simple as dragging the file or folder in one Shared Drive and dropping it in the other. 

  • Go to Google Drive on the web at

  • Find the file or folder you want to move and drag the file or folder from the Shared Drive onto the destination Shared Drive listed down the left-hand side of the screen.

  • The file or folder will move as long as the permissions described above are correct.