The most secure way to share a file using Google Drive.

Google Drive offers several ways to share files and folders with different levels of security. It is possible to share a file publicly on the web; however, the setting to do this is well hidden (probably for the best). 

The next level allows you to share a document with anyone who has the link, this is a handy way to share a file, and no one has to authenticate before accessing the file. However, if this link gets sent to the wrong person or gets shared out without your knowledge, anyone in the world can access the file you have shared.

The most secure way to share your files.

The most secure method is to share a file directly with the recipient's email address. So only the person with access to that email inbox can view the file you have shared. Many people get confused with this option, incorrectly thinking the recipient also needs to have a Google account - this is not the case. 

As the video we have made for you will show, when you share a file or folder in Google Drive directly with an email address, the recipient only needs to verify that they are the owner of the email address to be granted access. 

When you share a file this way, a secondary email with a random five-digit code gets sent to the recipient from Google Drive. Once they enter this code, they have access to the file for the next seven days before reverifying again to keep access.