How you can easily build an intranet or company hub for your business.

There are a lot of web tools that promise to make organising your businesses information easy. Still, in our opinion, Google Sites (part of Google Workspace) does a perfect job at letting you easily document your business while building a nice looking company hub or intranet - that works on desktop and mobile, and you don’t need to know a single line of code! At Kimbley IT, we use Google Sites to create, manage and run Kimpedia, our company hub.

Why having an intranet or company hub is essential.

Typically, most small businesses (companies with five to fifty employees) documentation is lacking - with most of this information locked inside team members' heads. It is not written out and stored so that anyone on the team can access this information needed to complete a task.

Simple processes such as onboarding a new team member may only be known by one individual as they have always performed that task. As soon as they leave the business and because the process has not been documented, someone else will need to spend time reinventing the wheel.

When you have processes documented, it is much easier for your business to scale. A new employee can go to a specific area of your companies hub and start their work immediately, as the information they need is freely available.

Start building your company hub today with Google Sites.

Lots of small and mid-size businesses put off creating an intranet as they incorrectly think it is hard to build and incredibly time-consuming. While it will take time to write the information stored in your head, it is a one-time thing; once it is done, it will only need updates in the future at processes change. Maybe you could hire a copywriter from Fivver to create the initial text for your intranet?

Using Google Sites, you don't need to know web coding as it requires no coding skills. You drag and drop text boxes, pictures and videos to where you want them to appear on a page or section of the company hub. Then everyone in the business you choose to share can access and view the information whenever needed.

Google provides this handy learning centre guide that will have you building your first intranet for your business in around ten minutes!

What you should do next.

Head over to Google Sites and start creating your company hub/intranet. If your business is not using Google Workspace, you won't have access to Google Sites. In that case, you should book a video call below and let us help you get your business moved over to a set of fantastic collaboration tools, including Google Sites.